Educational Research Centre on Teacher Professional Knowledge - CRESPI

The CRESPI Research Centre was founded at the G.M. Bertin  Department of Educational Sciences and aims to connect and promote different lines of research on professional knowledge of teachers, from nursery school to secondary school. The topic "teacher knowledge" was selected due to the awareness of the importance of the professionalism of teachers as the first quality element of education and training systems and the need for a systematic, continuous and interdisciplinary study of the nexus of professional skills that qualify the role of teachers, also considering the important function that the school system plays within a democratic society open to change.

The CRESPI Centre’s College and Scientific Council hosts many scholars from different Italian universities who are experts in research on teaching professional knowledge. Further information on the centre’s specific characteristics and its composition at national level is available on the dedicated page of the website.

Web Site

Scientific Director: Prof.ssa Ira Vannini