Construction of knowledge: paradigms, methodology and instruments in educational research

In this area, studies and research focus on the construction of scientific knowledge in education: from critical studies of philosophy of education, the investigation of epistemological paradigms of the educational sciences, studies on methods of empirical research, critical reflection on integrating pedagogical sciences with other sciences (e.g. neuroscience, psychoanalysis), and research on the validation of data collection techniques, to the microanalytical study of educational practices in the field.


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Flavio Brescianini

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

keywords: Assessment, Vocational Education and Training, Civic and citizenship education, Transversal competences, Soft skills
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Letizia Caronia

Full Professor

keywords: Qualitative research, Ethnography, Language and social interaction, Social interaction in health care contexts,
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Vitaliano Corbi

PhD Student

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Silvia Demozzi

Associate Professor

keywords: Children rights, Early Childhood education, School-family cooperation, Gregory Bateson, Medical Humanities, Philosophy
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Luca Ferrari

Associate Professor

keywords: Education and technology, Didactic design, teaching and learning strategies, Inclusion and technology, Open Educational
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Manuela Gallerani

Full Professor

keywords: Capability Approach and empowerment, World Citizenship and Intercultural Learning, Lifelong/lifewide/lifedeep Learning,
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Alessandra Gigli

Associate Professor

keywords: family pedagogy, educational alliance between school and families, nature based socio educational projects, outdoor
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Marta Ilardo

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

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Elena Luppi

Full Professor

keywords: Education and third age, Quality in Elderly Care, Assessment, Leadership and Gender, Training Research, Educational
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Elena Malaguti

Full Professor

keywords: Inclusive education -, ICF - ICF-CY, Disability and trauma, School - Family, Vulnerability - Resilience, School -
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Massimo Marcuccio

Full Professor

keywords: Learning assessment, Program evaluation, Research methodology, Non-technical skills, Professional training, Mixed
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Maria Cristina Matteucci

Associate Professor

keywords: School psychology, Developmental and educational psychology, Teachers and evaluation, School wellbeing, Causal
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Elena Pacetti

Associate Professor

keywords: didactic innovation, ICT and inclusion, childhood app, media education, childhood and ICT, inclusive education,
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Laura Palareti

Associate Professor

keywords: children residential care, program evaluation, routines and rituals, chronic illness, social representations
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Chiara Panciroli

Full Professor

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Anna Pileri

Associate Professor

keywords: Disability and migration, specialized teacher, inclusion, coeducation, communicative musicality, video-microanalysis.

Andrea Reggiani

Area dei Funzionari - Settore scientifico - tecnologico

PhD Student

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Michela Schenetti

Associate Professor

keywords: professionalism, childhood, outdoor education for sustainability, active learning, Teacher Professional Development
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Alessandro Tolomelli

Full Professor

keywords: \"Pedagogical Problematicism\" approach, Early School Leaving, \"Empowerment\" approach, Active citizenship and

Elisa Truffelli

Associate Professor

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Ira Vannini

Full Professor

keywords: Formative Educational Evaluation, empirical research on teachers and teaching, Teacher training and teachers' beliefs,