TRACER - Trasformative Roma Art and Culture for European Remembrance

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Maria Teresa Tagliaventi

Project Team: Prof. Maria Teresa Tagliaventi (scientific coordinator); Prof. Giovanna Guerzoni; Prof. Ivana Bolognesi; Prof. Manuela Ghizzoni, Lisa Cerantola, Andrea Reggiani (technician); Danilo Caracciolo (technician); Silverio Albertazzi (technician).

Applicant: Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (IT)

Partners: Università degli Studi di Firenze (IT), C.A.T. Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS (IT), Stowarzyszenie Romów w Polsce (PL), Ribaltambição- Associação para a Igualdade de Género nas Comunidades Ciganas (PT), Alto Comissariado para as Migracones I.P. (PT), chi rom...e chi no (IT), Open Group Societa Cooperativa Sociale O.N.L.U.S. (IT)

N.r Partners: 9

Partners’ Countries: IT, PL, PT

UNIBO’s role: Applicant

Project Duration: 24 months

Start Date: 09/05/2022

End Date: 08/05/2024

Status: active

Total Budget: 441.145 euros

EDU Budget: 86.810 euros

Project’s Topics: Holocaust; European history, remembrance and European Citizenship; Roma; ntercultural dialogue; youth; raising awarness of children and/or young people; action-research; artistic events; training; schools; teachers; students

Description: The project intends to mobilize groups of Roma and non-Roma, adolescents and young adults, male and female, in three different countries (Italy, Poland and Portugal), to learn about, reconstruct and reflect on the Roma genocide - Porrajmos - also through artistic creativity. The aim of the project is to activate a path of active citizenship, in a European dimension, through the process of knowledge of an event as dramatic as it is removed from the history of Europe: the extermination of Roma and Sinti perpetrated by Nazism for aberrant racial reasons. TRACER is a research-action project of collective history and community building starting from the legacy of Porrajmos, since the removal of the obstacles for the full inclusion of Roma and Sinti appears still far away, as evidenced, finally, by the discriminations suffered by them as refugees fleeing war-torn Ukraine.