School for Academics: Innovate instructional practices in HE through video-analysis

Project developed in the framework of the international agreements of Education Studies Department with the Schools of Education of the University of South Australia (Unisa) and the University of California-Irvine (Uci).

Scientific coordinators: Elena Pacetti, Alessandra Rosa, Ira Vannini

Partner Institutions:



Project team: Andrea Ciani, Elena Pacetti, Alessandra Rosa, Ira Vannini –Laboratorio Mela-EDU

Bruce White and Lisa O’Keefe (UNISA)

Rossella Santagata (UCI)

Project Duration (in months): 12

Start Date: start-up phase     

End Date: 30/09/2021

Status: active

Total Budget: 20.000 euro

Web site: in progress

Project’s Topics: quality of university teaching; video analysis methodologies


The main purpose of the Project is to promote the quality of university teaching through innovative training of faculty teachers.

The three universities (UNIBO, UNISA, UCI) have been working for some time on the use of video analysis methodologies for teachers’ training (also thanks to an ICM 2017/19 project) with a focus on stimulating their analytical skills in recognizing emblematic teaching practices in video sequences (noticing) and helping them to reflect on what is noticed, individually or in groups (reasoning). International literature highlights the effectiveness of these training methods in order to change teachers' beliefs and instructional practices.

The long-term goal of the Project is to validate and disseminate a shared model of video analysis in the United States and Australia, outreaching to the reputation of the University of Bologna in these two regions. In particular, the Project intends to strengthen cooperation between the three universities with the aim of:

  • supporting the quality of teaching in Higher Education by promoting academics professional development;
  • reinforcing UNIBO's technological skills in video analysis methodologies;
  • evaluating the feasibility of the achievement of an International accreditation for the faculty teachers' training curriculum (supported by video analysis).

The short-term goal of the Project is to create a training curriculum aimed at colleagues and PhD students from the three universities consisting of two connected activities:

  1. an in-depth workshop, at UNISA, aimed at knowing specific technologies for video recording in university classrooms and online platforms for video analysis;
  2. a Summer School at UNIBO, aimed at knowing the main lines of the IFA model and the video analysis methodologies to carry out noticing and reasoning activities with faculty teacher groups.
