I.C.E. - Incubator of Educating Community: strategies of inclusive development between school and territory

Project financed by the Adolescence Call (11-17).


Scientific coordinator: Prof.Alessandro Tolomelli 

Project Team: Alessandro Tolomelli, Giovanna Guerzoni, Elena Luppi e Barbara Giullari (Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell’Economia –SDE) 

Key Action: process monitoring through participation in the control room, impact and process evaluation 

Applicant: Società cooperativa sociale Open Group 


Cabina di regia: 



N.r Partners: 70 

Partners’ Countries: IT 

UNIBO’s role: Partner 

Project Duration(in months): 36 

Start Date: 31/12/2018  

End Date: 31/12/2021 

Status: active 

Total Budget: 704.000€ 

Unibo Budget: 18.000€ +1876€ cofinancing Unibo 

Project’s Topics: School drop-out, early school leaving and involvement of the territory for the formation of educating communities 

Description: Through the control room, territorial meetings for sharing good practices will be planned and laboratories will be created for the development of innovative teaching and paths of active involvement of families. The project will put in place a series of actions articulated in the three levels: primary prevention (more general and transversal), secondary level (on specific risk situations) and tertiary level (interventions on students in school drop-out), in line with the European reference framework. The planned actions will contribute to forming the Community Incubator, a permanent "infrastructure" which, by sharing languages ​​and tools, will be able to animate and support the educating communities by providing resources, tools and good practices in a perspective of co-planning. The actions will be divided into 4 territorial areas 1. Municipality of Bologna, 2. Municipalities of the District of San Lazzaro di Savena and Municipalities of the New District of Imola 3. Municipalities of the Bolognese Apennine District and Municipalities of the Reno Valley District, Lavino and Samoggia, 4. Union of Municipalities of the Eastern Plain District and of the Municipalities of the Western Plain District. 
