Knowledge. Integration and linguistic training for migrants

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Alessandro Tolomelli 

Project Team: Marta Salinaro 

Key Action: OS/ON2 – Experimental language training services - 2018 

Action Type: OS/ON2 – Integration/Legal Migration 

ApplicantCEFAL Emilia Romagna 

PartnersAlma Mater Studiorum (Unibo) – Dip. Di Scienze dell’Educazione; Coop. LaiMomo ; Coop. Solco Prossimo; Fondazione Gualandi ; Consorzio di cooperative L’Arcolaio.   

N.r Partners: 

UNIBO’s role: Partner 

Project Duration(in months): 24 

Start Date: 01/07/2019  

End Date: 30/6/2021 (extended 31/12/2021)

Status: completed

Total Budget: 382. 863euro 

Unibo Budget: 13.970euro 

Project’s Topics: Integration and linguistic training for migrants 

Description: The "Conoscenze" project intends to intervene on the theme of language as a vehicle for interaction and dialogue with communities and territories, in a perspective of strong complementarity with the actions of the regional FAMI programme. Therefore, the project proposes paths aimed at migrant citizens (with attention dedicated to particular types of vulnerability) by adopting methods that have a direct impact on the participants with respect to the acquisition of language skills, but at the same time requiring the intervention and participation of the whole community in processes of interaction, socialization and construction of social bonds. 

Objectives: to involve the territory in the construction of innovative paths of Italian teaching as L2; support processes of integration and social dialogue by promoting the knowledge of the Italian language and civic education; to promote a larger inter-institutional involvement and between public and private organizations; to encourage the knowledge of Italian language especially for people who are poorly literate; experiment innovative ways of Italian language teaching/learning.
