Inclusive Schools and communities for another citizenship. Community alliance for social inclusion and violence prevention in the department of Chalatenango (El Salvador)

CSOs (Civil Society Organizations) cooperation project funded by AICS Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – Lot 3 – Priority countries in the Balkan, Latin America and Caribbean, and Asia regions (AID 011426).

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Prof. Elena Pacetti

Project Team: Elena Pacetti, Roberto Dainese, Alessandro Soriani

Action Type: Development Cooperation Projects

Applicant: Soleterre Strategie di pace onlus (IT)

Partners: EducAid Onlus (IT), Fondazione Punto.sud (IT), Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione “Giovanni Maria Bertin” dell'Università di Bologna (IT) e Rete Italiana Disabilità e Sviluppo RIDS (IT)

N.r Partners: 5

Partners’ Countries: IT

UNIBO’s role: Partner

Project Duration (in months): 36

Start Date: 15/06/2018

End Date: 14/06/2021

Status: completed

Total Budget: 1.780.026 euro

Unibo Budget: 32.640 euro

Project’s Topics: measures of access to formal and informal educational system for minors

Description: The project aims to reduce youth violence by increasing the opportunities for access and participation of children to the formal and informal educational system. Unibo will contribute with its expertise on inclusive education, strengthening teachers’ pedagogical/didactical competences and supporting the educational methodologies’ planning; it will contribute to the evaluation of the inclusion and empowerment level of educational services involved.

The activities that will be carried out by UNIBO will be:

- Development and experimentation of protocols: in coordination with EducAid staff (expatriate coordinator and team of "community educators"), UNIBO provides remote and in situ technical assistance aimed at supervising the design and/or revision of tools to identify and analyse specific issues concerning the exclusion of vulnerable groups.

- Development/experimentation of flexible education methods: in coordination with EducAid staff (expatriate coordinator and team of "community educators"), UNIBO provides remote and in-situ technical assistance aimed at supervising the elaboration and formalization of operational indications (specific protocols) for each school, starting from its needs, to support the scholastic integration of vulnerable children.

UNIBO also carries out a training (in presence) on the subject of inclusive and special didactic addressed to a group of key teachers of schools with a TOT approach, with a view to empowering the teaching staff of the schools.
