Federico Ferretti, [forthcoming] Decolonial openings of Ron Johnston's legacies: how to avoid new amnesias, in: Geography and a Geographer: Essays in memory of Ron Johnston, London, Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers, in corso di stampa, pp. 1 - 29 [Chapter or essay]
Paolo Gaibazzi, West African Post-slavery and Liminal Diasporic Egalitarianism, in: The Afterlives of Slavery: Histories of the African Present, London, Routledge, in corso di stampa, pp. - - - [Chapter or essay]
Federico Ferretti, Decolonization and decoloniality, in: Latin American geographies: an introduction, Abingdon, Routledge, in corso di stampa, pp. 14 - 24 [Chapter or essay]
Federico Ferretti, Geographies of meaning and experience: Anne Buttimer’s life-world, in: Making Geography Matter: The Past and Present of a Changing Discipline, Abingdon, Routledge, in corso di stampa, pp. 153 - 166 [Chapter or essay]
Federico Ferretti, Hachette, in: Elisée Reclus, les 101 mots, Dijon, Presses du Réel, 2024, pp. 200 - 205 [Chapter or essay]
Paolo Gaibazzi, Potentiality in crisis : making and living the potential in Angola's boom and bust, «HISTORY AND ANTHROPOLOGY», 2024, 35, pp. 1 - 234 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ferretti, Federico; Barrera de la Torre, Geronimo, Cosmohistories and pluriversal dialogues : The future of the history of geography. Special issue: “Reimagining the Futures of Geographical Thought and Praxis”, «DIALOGUES IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY», 2024, 14, pp. 197 - 201 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gaibazzi, Paolo, Indirect migration management : entangled histories of (externalized) repatriation in and beyond the Gambia’s colonial legacy, «GEOFORUM», 2024, 155, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article] Open Access
Patrizia Sandri; Angelo Errani; Luca Decembrotto, Dalla marginalità alla partecipazione : chi ne è uscito o sta cercando di uscirne può insegnarci qualcosa, in: L’inclusione non si ferma, cammina sempre : volume in ricordo di Andrea Canevaro, Trento, Erickson, 2024, pp. 191 - 204 (UNIVERSITY&RESEARCH) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Castellano V., Riccio B., Migrants’ Self-Narrations as Cultural Critique: Exploring Political Subjectivities through Asylum Seekers' and Returnees’ Narratives and Literature, in: Anthropological Approaches to Reading Migrant Writing. Reimagining Ethnographic Methods, Knowledge, and Power, London, Routledge, 2024, pp. 123 - 144 [Chapter or essay]
Grazia V.; Molinari L.; Mameli C., Contrasting school dropout: The protective role of perceived teacher justice, «LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION», 2024, 89, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]
L.Caronia; F. Ranzani, Epistemic Trust as an Interactional Accomplishment in Pediatric Well Child Visits: Parents' Resistance to Solicited Advice as Performing Epistemic Vigilance, «HEALTH COMMUNICATION», 2024, 39, pp. 838 - 851 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ferretti, Federico, Géographicité, material agency and the thickness of the Earth : rediscovering Eric Dardel beyond ‘nature/culture’ dualisms, «CULTURAL GEOGRAPHIES», 2024, 31, pp. 397 - 415 [Scientific article] Open Access
Federico Fraboni, Sofia Morandini, Salvatore Zappalà, Dina Guglielmi, Marco Giovanni Mariani, Marco De Angelis, Luca Pietrantoni,, Occupational safety in homecare organizations: the design and implementation of a train-the-trainer program, «HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES QUARTERLY», 2024, 43, pp. 87 - 113 [Scientific article]
Filippa M.; Nardelli M.; Sansavini A.; Meloni S.; Picciolini O.; Lunardi C.; Cecchi A.; Corvaglia L.; Grandjean D.; Scilingo E.P.; Della Casa E.; Berardi A.; Aceti A.; Bedetti L.; Bertoncelli N.; Lucco G.; Luzzati M.; Ori L.; Petrolini C.; Zuccarini M.; Ferrari F., Maternal singing sustains preterm hospitalized newborns’ autonomic nervous system maturation: an RCT, «PEDIATRIC RESEARCH», 2024, 95, pp. 1110 - 1116 [Scientific article] Open Access
Alessandro Soriani, L’Enciclopedia di Piccolo Topo e Under Leaves. Due piccole ma preziose perle videoludiche, «ESSERE A SCUOLA», 2024, 5, pp. 71 - 73 [Scientific article]
Vaughn, Margaret; Carbonneau, Kira J.; Mameli, Consuelo; Grazia, Valentina; Solheim, Oddny J.; Kennedy, Eithne; Lammert, Catherine; Arlington, Kyle; Sæbø, Johanne Ur, A cross-cultural perspective of agency in primary contexts: Validation of the student agency profile across multiple sites, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH», 2024, 124, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]
Gallotti Cecilia, Tarabusi Federica, Antropologia e servizi: intersezioni etnografiche fra ricerca e applicazione, Milano, Ledizioni, 2024, pp. 355 (ANTROPOLOGIA DELLA CONTEMPORANEITÀ). [Editorship]
Tarabusi Federica, Gallotti Cecilia, Mondi dell’antropologia, mondi dei servizi: incontri etnografici e pratiche trasformative, in: Antropologia e servizi: intersezioni etnografiche fra ricerca e applicazione, Milano, Ledizioni, 2024, pp. 11 - 58 (ANTROPOLOGIA DELLA CONTEMPORANEITÀ) [Chapter or essay]
Roberta Sassatelli, Rossella Ghigi, Body and gender : sociological perspectives, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2024, pp. 248 . [Research monograph]