GENER-ACTION 5. The new generations in ACTION for the Sustainable Development Goal 5

Scientific coordinators Prof. Rosy Nardone and Prof. Federica Zanetti - Gender and Education Research Centre (CSGE)

Project Team: Rosy Nardone, Federica Zanetti, Lorenza Maluccelli

Applicant: We World Onlus (IT)

Partner: Alma Mater Studiorum (UNIBO) – Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione (Gender and Education Research Centre – CSGE) , Fondazione ACRA, SCOSSE Soluzioni COmunicative Studi Servizi Editoriali APS, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena - FMPS

Nr. Partners: 5

UNIBO’s role: Partner

Project Duration: 24 months

Start Date: 01/01/2023                              

End Date: 31/12/2024

Status: active

Donor: Italian Agency for Development Cooperation

AID code:  012618/02/0

Total Budget:  333.283,60 euros

Unibo Budget: 26.857,00 euros

Project’s Topics: Education for Global Citizenship, Education for Differences, University Training, Orientation


The project aims to contribute to the development and strengthening of "citizenship" concept, understood as belonging to a global community, to pragmatically contributing to individual and collective change for the creation of a more sustainable and fairer world. The intervention is conceived as an educational program implemented in the context of formal education which aims to improve the knowledge of teachers and students of High schools and Universities concerning the transversality of gender issues. The peculiarity of the project is the proposal of an educational path focused on Objective 4.7 and the transversality of SDG5 of the 2030 Agenda. To ensure this goal, the consortium is composed by qualified partners, able to develop learning processes on gender issues on replicable and scalable way, and operating in different territorial contexts from the North to the South Italy: Pordenone, Milan, Bologna, Siena, Rome, Piacenza, Naples and Cosenza. The initiative's strategy is based on the integration of intervention tools and methodologies that generally operate in sectors that are not connected to each other (Education for Global Citizenship, Education for Differences, University Training, Orientation, etc.) but address the same targets (school, teachers, young people) in order to piloting an innovative model aimed to prioritize the gender issue as a key tool for achieving the SDGs.
