EDUSAH - Education and Training: the future of young Sahrawi refugees and the liberated territories of Western Sahara

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Beatrice Borghi

Scientific coordinator: Prof.ssa Beatrice Borghi

Action Type: International Cooperation Projects - Saharawi refugee Camps  in Algeria

Applicant: The International Committee for the Development of Peoples- CISP (IT)

Partners: Municipality of Castel Franco dell’Emilia (IT), Municipality of Ravenna (IT), Department of Education Studies, University of Bologna (IT), El Ouali Associazion (IT), Associazione Kabara Lagdaf (IT), Associazione Forlivese Malattie del Fegato (IT), Associazione 15-14 Oltre Il Muro (IT), Nexus Solidarietà Internazionale Emilia-Romagna (IT), Jaima Saharawi (IT), Help for Children (IT), Italian Representation of the Polisario Front (IT), Circolo Legambiente “Gli Amici Del Lago – Aps" (IT).

 Partners in Algeria: Ministerio de Enseñanza y Educación Publica (DZ), Ministerio de Construcción y e dei Territorios Liberados (DZ), Ministerio de Coopéracion (DZ).

N.r Partners: 16

Partners’ Countries: IT, DZ

UNIBO’s role: Partner

Project Duration (in months): 12

Start Date: 30/11/2021      

End Date: 29/11/2022

Status: active

Total Budget: 79.406,67 euro

Project’s Topics: Quality, equality and inclusive education, Refugee camps, Saharawi, Algeria

Description (300 words max.):

The goal of the project is to improve the quality of education and combat early school leaving central and remote areas where the Sahrawi population resides. The network of Italian partners is consolidated by a joint experience of work, planning, synergy of actions developed.The proposed activities are in continuity with the previous actions and aim to respond to the needs agreed with the relevant Ministries, in collaboration with the Polisario Front Representation in Italy. The Department, in close collaboration and agreement with all partners, contributes to the dissemination of the project results through the implementation of cultural initiatives and the use of classrooms with attached technical-logistical equipment. in the context of the Emilia-Romagna Region Sahrawi Country Table.
