Press Start to Learn - Videogame literacy courses in schools

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Rosy Nardone

Project Team: Rosy Nardone, Federica Zanetti

Applicant: IVIPRO Association

Partner: Alma Mater Studiorum (Unibo) – Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione

N.r Partners: 2

UNIBO’s role: Partner

Project Duration: 8 months

Start Date: 17/10/2022                              

End Date: 15/06/2023

Status: active

Total Budget:  55.000 euros

Unibo Budget: 15.249,76 euros

Project’s Topics: video games, education; didactic; school; media education, cultural heritage


 The Press Start to Learn - Videogame literacy courses in schools project develops its activities between Reggio Emilia and Brescia and provides for a double cycle of meetings for the 2022/2023 school year: one lasting 18 hours dedicated to school students in secondary schools; one of 14 hours dedicated to teaching staff.

The goal is to promote a conscious use of the videogame medium - aimed at discovering its complexity and perspectives in the educational and cultural fields - and at the same time offer students some basic tools to create a videogame concept, with particular attention towards the story of the territory.
