GINKGO Social link factory
Scientific coordinator: Prof.ssa Elena Luppi
Project Team: Dott.ssa Aurora Ricci; Dott.ssa Elisa Bruni Applicant: Association pour la Formation en Milieu Rural - Etcharry Formation Développement
Applicant: Association pour la Formation en Milieu Rural - Etcharry Formation Développement
Partners: - Pole Culture & Santé – Nouvelle Aquitaine, Francia - Centre Communal d’Action Sociale – Urrugne, Francia - Universidad Publica de Navarra – Pamplona, Spagna - Gizarte Zerbitzuen Menkomunitatea – Bortziriak, Spagna - Università di Bologna – Bologna, Italia - CEFAL Emilia Romagna – Bologna, Italia - Anziani e non solo – Carpi, Italia
N.r Partners: 7
Partners’ Countries: FR, IT, ES
UNIBO’s role: Partner
Project Duration (in months): 36
Start Date: 09/01/2023
End Date: 08/31/2026
Status: active
Total Budget: 400.00,00
EDU Budget: 62.461,00
Project’s Topics: Prevention of isolation of elderly people who are far from social spaces, involving them in citizen, intergenerational and cultural socialization paths.
Through the cooperation of eight academic and professional partners, GinkGo, la fabrique du lien social, aims to respond to a major common challenge: preventing the isolation of the elderly who are the furthest removed from community life by involving them in social, intergenerational and cultural activities. GinkGo proposes to develop, test and integrate a tailor-made training programme and a practical guide facilitating access to artistic, cultural and sporting experiences, as well as audiovisual and digital media giving a voice to older people. The methodology is based on the exchange and transfer of transnational and cross-sectoral knowledge and skills, placing older people at the centre of the work. GinkGo will result in the development of educational and professional materials aimed at developing innovative practices to meet the challenges of current and future professionals, family carers and volunteers. Audiovisual and digital tools will be developed to raise awareness among stakeholders of the exclusion of vulnerable people and respond positively to society's demand for the well-being of our elderly.
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Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Educazione "Giovanni Maria Bertin" - EDU
Via Filippo Re 6
Bologna (BO)
Tel: +39 051 20 9 1498