AGILE-2-VET - Abilitating diGItal Learning to innovate VET sector

Scientific coordinator: Prof.ssa Elena Pacetti

Project Team: Prof. Luca FERRARI, Prof. Rosy NARDONE, Prof. Federica ZANETTI, Dott. Alessandro SORIANI, Dott. Lorenza MALUCCELLI

Applicant: Demetra Formazione Srl (IT)

Partners: Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (IT), Ancora Talent Solutions Ltd (IE); Asociación de Empresas de Economía Social de Navarra (ANEL) (ES); Institut für Lern-Innovation (DE); Mooka Media Ltd (IE); Swedish Association For Open, Flexible And Distance Education (SADE) (SE).

N.r Partners: 7

Partners’ Countries: IT, IE, ES, DE, SE

UNIBO’s role: Partner

Project Duration: 24 months

Start Date: 31/01/2022

End Date: 30/01/2024

Status: active

Grant Agreement:  2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033037

Total Budget: 293.241,00 euros

EDU Budget: 36.376,00 euros

Project’s Topics: Open and distance learning; digital skills and competences creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses


AGILE 2 VET has two specific objectives: on the one hand, to work to improve the skills of professionals working in the training sector in relation to new methods of digital training and learning; on the other hand, to work on strengthening the collaboration between training institutions and companies providing digital technology and experts in educational and pedagogical practices.

The project involves three different phases:

  • a first phase of research, to analyse and identify the characteristics and key skills in the development of a training model;
  • the development of a training model that allows professionals working in the VET (Vocational Education and Training) sector to acquire knowledge and skills related to new digital training methods;
  • training model experimentation and creation of a manual that supports the professionals involved in the implementation of training courses and allows them to verify the acquisition of skills.
