The community of the future: measures of social and working inclusion for Skhoder’s orphans

CSOs (Civil Society Organizations) cooperation project funded by AICS Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – Lot C – Priority Balkan countries (AID 10950).

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Prof. Elena Pacetti

Project Team: Elena Pacetti, Federica Zanetti, Roberto Dainese, Paola Villano, Laura Palareti, Roberta Caldin, Lucia Balduzzi, Alessandro Soriani

Action Type: Development Cooperation Projects

Applicant: Istituto Pace Sviluppo Innovazione ACLI (IPSIA) (IT)

Partners: Consulting and Development Partners (CODE Partners) (AL), SHIS (Associazione Internazionale per la Solidarietà) (AL), Comune di Scutari (AL), Università di Scutari (AL), Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione “Giovanni Maria Bertin” dell'Università di Bologna (IT) e Cooperativa Lybra (IT).

N.r Partners: 7

Partners’ Countries: IT, AL

UNIBO’s role: Partner

Project Duration (in months): 36

Start Date: 01/04/2017      

End Date: 31/03/2020

Status: completed

Total Budget: 1.156.420 euro

Unibo Budget: 26.400 euro

Project’s Topics: measures of social and working inclusion for orphans

Description: the project contributes to the deinstitutionalisation and decentralization in Albania with the Social Law of 2005, and to the Albanian national development strategy on human development and social cohesion, with a special focus on protection of disadvantaged children and youth. Thousands of orphans live in institutions, boarding schools and with relatives different from their biological family, but these solutions are inappropriate to guarantee a suitable human development and a sustainable livelihood. They are living in marginality, which is an obstacle to grow up in welcoming and encouraging contexts, to access the job market and to get an economic autonomy. Poverty and neglect turn them into a category extremely exposed to criminality and exploitation. The measures foreseen by the project in the Municipality of Skhoder have as general objective to facilitate the social inclusion of orphans children and youth. This aim will be possible through the upgrade of the skills of all the operators working in public and private social services of the city, the improvement of the social, educational and economic autonomy of the orphans living in the municipality. Results: development of certified training for social operators; establishment of a residential and educational community for 8 children; improvement of cohabitation capacity of orphans living in some group home; inclusion of at least 60 orphans into training and working opportunities in order to make them reach professional and financial autonomy.
