READY - Resilience, Empowerment and Advocacy for a Deeper Inclusion in Shu' fat Refugee Camp – Jerusalem (Palestine)

Emergency Initiative for the Protection of Refugees and Population at Risk of Displacement in Area C of the West Bank and East Jerusalem - AICS Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AID11264)

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Elena Pacetti

Project Team: Alessandro Soriani, Daniele Castellani

Action Type: Emergency initiative for the protection of refugees and population at risk of displacement in the area C of the West Bank and in east Jerusalem

Applicant: Educaid (IT) and Overseas onlus  (IT)

N.r Partners: 3

Partners’ Countries: IT, PS

UNIBO’s role: Subcontractor

Project Duration: 11 months

Start Date: 11/10/2018                  

End Date: 30/09/2019

Status: active

Total Budget: 462.659,90 euro

Unibo Budget: 8.500 euro

Project’s Topics: Refugee, Index of Inclusion, Palestinian schools


The project is a natural follow-up to the work carried out by Educaid and the Department of Education Studies of the University of Bologna in cooperation with the Palestinian MoEHE. The goal of project CO.RE., this the name of the initiative, was the development of an Index for Inclusion and Empowerment (IIE). The READY project starts from that base to further develop the adoption of the IIE also in UNRWA schools within the East Jerusalem area.

The IIE aims to encourage teachers to reflect on indicators of school inclusivity and empowerment, enabling them to identify the barriers and needs that hamper the right to education, resulting from situations of privation and vulnerability of the individual and the group and related to disability, gender, material and cultural poverty. Specifically, experts from the Department of Education Studies have been engaged in the training of the teaching staff of a school within the Est Jerusalem area on the themes of inclusive education, empowerment approach, and in the design of educational initiatives consistent with the needs that are present in the classes.

The use of the IIE has been the underlying element of the entire training course on the use of it for the identification of educational needs and the design of interventions that would support a targeted evolutionary process to promote inclusion, social justice, well-being and cooperation between school and out-of-school.

School leaders and teachers have been involved in a cooperative work process aimed at promoting a culture of sharing, co-planning of activities and mutual support to the writing of school policies and educational activities more inclusive and more attentive to the real needs of the pupils.