Scientific coordinator: Prof. Roberto Dainese
Project Team: Roberta Caldin, Chiara Panciroli, Federica Zanetti, Lucia Balduzzi, Anita Macauda
Action Type: Development Cooperation Projects
Applicant: Save The Children Italia Onlus (IT)
Partners: Rede Homens Pela Mudança (MZ), Save the Children International – Mozambique Country Office (SCI MZ), Department of Education Studies, University of Bologna (IT)
N.r Partners: 3
Partners’ Countries: IT, MZ
UNIBO’s role: Partner
Project Duration (in months): 36
Start Date: 01/06/2018
End Date: 30/05/2021
Status: completed
Total Budget: 2.037.371 euro
Unibo Budget: 28.540 euro
Project’s Topics: Education, nutrition and protection of children
Description: The aim is to improve the learning levels of preschool children through access to integrated education programmes (ECCD), improving health and nutritional practices and strengthening communities services for the protection of minors among the beneficiaries in the Province of Zambezia, and especially in the Districts of Morrumbala and Milange.
In particular, the Department of Education Studies of the University of Bologna is involved in the following activities:
1) Collaborating in the development of the survey tools and methodologies and the two planned external evaluations;
2) Organise and supervise on-site data collection;
3) Prepare the Impact Study;
4) Providing and strengthening the educational methodology to be adopted.