I-CAN - Independence, Capability, Autonomy, Inclusion. Independent Life Centre for Persons with Disabilities in the Gaza Strip (Palestine)

CSOs (Civil Society Organizations) cooperation project funded by AICS Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – Lot 2 – Priority countries in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions (AID 011496).

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Elena Pacetti

Project Team: Alessandro Soriani, Federica Zanetti, Maria Rosa Nardone

Applicant: Educaid (IT)

N.r Partners: 7

Partners’ Countries: IT, PS

UNIBO’s role: Subcontractor

Project Duration (in months): 36

Start Date: 01/05/2018                  

End Date: 30/04/2021

Status: completed

Total Budget: 1.730.000 euro

Unibo Budget: 17.300 euro

Project’s Topics: Promotion of inclusive context and empowerment for the people with disabilities

Description: The general aim of the project is to promote the full inclusion and the empowerment of the people with disabilities, with a particular attention to the women with disabilities, in Gaza stripe (Palestine).

In order to strengthen the independence and the self-determination of the target individuals, I-CAN project aims at building an “Holistic Centre”. The centre should support teachers, educators, youth workers and families in the promotion of initiatives (scholastic and extra-scholastic) aimed to build inclusive communities and inclusive educational contexts.

More specifically, the project is detailed in three axes of action:

  • Developing personal autonomy, whose objective is to support the strengthening process of Person with Disabilities’ (PwD) autonomy and self-esteem by providing, through the centre’s activities, individualized and group services.
  • Educational, Social and Economical Empowerment, whose objective is to make the Holistic Centre recognisable as main promoter of educational and employability rights. This thanks to a twin track approach which will allow, on one side, to address directly PwD in order to work on their social and economical empowerment and, on the other side, to work with schools and private companies with the scope to improve their level of inclusion and empowerment. More specifically, in the field of education, the main tool that will be used is the Index of Inclusion and Empowerment (developed by EducAid and UNIBO): an utility to help schools in self-evaluating their own level of inclusion and to identify educational priorities to focus on.
  • Community awareness, whose aim is raise the attention of the local and the international community around the topics represented by inclusion, equity, empowerment to improve PwD’s participation.

The contribution UNIBO’s team of experts is double: firstly, as scientific coordinators of the training actions - about inclusion and empowerment - targeted to the Holistic Centre’s staff. Secondly, as consultants in the research and monitoring actions regarding the use of the Index as a tool to support co-planning of sensitive and contextualized educational actions.
