Scientific coordinator: Prof. Elena Luppi
UNIBO’s role: Coordinator
Project Team: Dina Guglielmi, Aurora Ricci, Greta Mazzetti e Daniela Bolzani (Università Cattolica di Milano)
Project Duration (in months): 15
Start Date: 03/11/2017
End date: 28/02/2019)
Status: closed
Total Budget: 24.820 euro
Project’s Topics: entrepreneurship, youth, skills, self-evaluation
Description : EntreSAT4youth is a project funded by the European Commission for the development and validation of a self-assessment tool for entrepreneurship addressed to young people aged between 15 and 29 years. Coherently with the EntreComp Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, entrepreneurship does not refer to the ability to create a business, but to enterprise. The self-assessment tool that will be implemented and validated during the project should therefore encourage a process of self-reflection, based on different significant situations (eg. related to personal experience), will provide young people with feedback that can activate self-learning and will allow them to see their strengths and weaknesses in relation to the 3 EntreComp areas. In addition, EntreSAT4youth aims to validate a self-assessment platform that will be accessible to all young European citizens.