Tox-Oer - Learning Toxicology Through Open Educational Resources
Project in the field of education and training for the development of a MOOC in Toxicology (2015-1-ES01-KA203-015957).

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Girotti Stefano (FABIT)
Scientific coordinator for the Department: Prof. Luca Ferrari
Applicant: Universidad de Salamanca (ES)
Partners: Space Research and Technology Institute (BG), Univerzita Karlova (CZ), ALMA MATER STUDIORUM Università di Bologna (IT), Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov (RO), Universidade do Porto ( PT), Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (FI).
N.r Partners: 8
Partners’ Countries: BG, PT, IT, ES, CZ, FI, RO
UNIBO’s role: Partner
Project Duration (in months): 24
Start Date: 01/09/2015
End Date: 31/08/2017
Status: finished
Total Budget: 191.243 euro
Budget EDU: 41.857 euro
Project’s Topics: Open and distance learning,
Description: In “Bucharest Communication”, 2012, as part of the consolidation process of the European Higher Education Area, the commitment to promote student-centred learning, characterized by innovative teaching methods involving the students as active participants in their own learning was reiterated.
Following these guidelines, the TOX-OER project (Learning Toxicology through Open Educational Resources) was conceived to support learning in the field of Toxicology through the application of Open Educational Resources (OERs). Toxicology is a transversal science that addresses important aspects of human health and the environment. Although this discipline is taught in different Degrees and Postgraduate programs, its formation is very uneven among the different European countries. In addition, there is a serious deficit in terms of Continuous Education, both for those wishing to start in this science, and for professionals related to it.
Therefore, the main objective of the project was to improve digital integration in learning and teaching by applying the use of OERs, through the development of a massive open online course (MOOC) in Toxicology. It was also an essential objective for its achievement the creation of a scientific and pedagogical consortium in the field of Toxicology among experts from different countries, which was able to promote the educational offer and its quality between universities, through the transfer of each one's scientific expertise.
Associate Professor
Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Educazione "Giovanni Maria Bertin" - EDU
Via Filippo Re 6
Bologna (BO)
Tel: +39 051 20 9 1499