ESTEEM - European Safety Training and Evaluation supporting European Mobility
Project in the field of education and training on the topic of Safety at work (2017-1-UK01-KA202-036560).

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Dina Guglielmi
Project Team: Michela Vignoli, Marco Giovanni Mariani, Marco Depolo, Luca Ferrari, Francesco Saverio Violante, Michela Vignoli, Greta Mazzetti, Emanuela Valente.
Key Action: KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Action Type: KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Applicant: The University of Sheffield (UK)
Partners: Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (IT); Universitat de Valencia (ES); Istituto per l’Istruzione professionale dei Lavoratori Edili della Provincia di Bologna (IT); Valora prevencion (ES)
N.r Partners: 5
Partners’ Countries: UK, IT, ES
UNIBO’s role: Partner
Project Duration (in months): 36
Start Date: 01/09/2017
End Date: 31/08/2020
Status: active
Total Budget: 442.090 euro
Unibo Budget: 105.735 euro
Project’s Topics: Safety at work, safety training, migrant workers and low-skills workers
Description: Safety at work has been a field of strong interest for many decades, and the quality of training has increased, both in terms of content & delivery. However, there is a need to ensure access to training for vulnerable groups and to ensure that training is transferred to the work setting and thus effective in improving safety behaviours. As a result of this scenario, ESTEEM aims to:
a) review and identify the barriers and facilitators that may be effective in VET training particular groups of vulnerable workers, i.e. low-skilled & migrant workers in construction;
b) develop and test a Safety Training Programme, an innovative training model (including an Interactive Platform) for the development and delivery of safety training among these groups of workers;
c) develop and test a Safety Training Evaluation Device that captures training transfer, i.e. that safety skills learned are transferred into daily work activities and thus results in improved safety climate and behaviours. During the project, at least 140 people will be trained, namely employees (120 construction workers, focusing on migrants and those with low skills), and safety trainers and supervisors with safety responsibilities (20 people to become trainers themselves).
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