HEY - Hey! Teachers, don’t leave the kids alone
Project in the field of education and training on the topic of social changes and teachers training (2016-1-IT02-KA201-024342).

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Sandri Patrizia
Project Team: Maurizio Fabbri; Giovanna Di Pasquale, Martina Brazzolotto, Cristina Poli
Applicant: IERFOP - Onlus (IT)
Partners: The University of Lodz (PL); Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (IT), University of Applied Sciences (LT), Development and Education Centre Novo Mesto (SI); 26th Primary School Panayias Tricherousa (CY).
N.r Partners: 6
Partners’ Countries: IT, PL, LT, SI, CY
UNIBO’s role: Partner
Project Duration (in months): 24
Start Date: 01/10/2016
End Date: 30/09/2018
Status: ended
Total Budget: 232. 852 euro
Budget EDU: 45.825 euro
Project’s Topics: primary school, teachers training, social changes and challenges
Description (300 words max.):
The project was inspired by working with professionals of the education sector. The partners of this consortium discussed the most burning needs related to the social challenges as well as those of the learners and teachers operating in the schools cooperating with the partner organisations. The conclusion was that professionals of education need practical tools for the management of students (and their families) in social/relationale difficulties.
This project refers to the adequacy of training approaches used by primary school’s teachers with relation to the main trends of social change in progress. These trends apply to:
- Family changes and the arrival of new type of families, more complex and with more members;
- Evolution of educational and existential styles;
- Diversification of cultural context;
- Extension of the gap between rich and poor people and the crisis of middle class;
- New learning approaches and educational disadvantage.
Each of these trends, deeply connected to each other, is part of a specific social context – about liquid modernity, outlined by Bauman – that have largely lost its traditional networks of cohesion and cooperation, intensifying individualistic deviations that damage the basis of democracy and peaceful coexistence (Todorov). In this context, the school is one of the main pillar against the process of social molecularization but, in order to act efficiently, must be able to engage with different interlocutors than those of the past and different from each other for many reasons: needs, expectations, values, training models.
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