Project in the field of education and training on the topic of School drop-out and families involvement (2017-1-BE01-KA201-024749).

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Alessandro Tolomelli
Project Team: Giovanna Guerzoni e Barbara Giullari (Dept. of Sociology and Business Law )
Applicant: Fédération des Institutions et Services - FISSAAJ (BE)
Partners: ComitéEuropéen de Coordination– CEC (BE), Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (IT), Associazone (IT), FundacioPrivadaTrinijove (ES), FundacioEscolesParroquials – L’Esperança (ES).
N.r Partners: 6
Partners’ Countries:BE, IT, ES
UNIBO’s role: Partner
Project Duration(in months): 24
Start Date: 01/10/2017
End Date:30/9/2019
Status: completed
Total Budget:188.511euro
Unibo Budget:19.450 euro
Project’s Topics: School drop-out, early school leaving, families involvement
Description: Although measures to prevent early school leaving exist in most European countries, the percentage of young people leaving school prematurely remains above 10% in 2015. After experiencing the transfer of good practices and a methodology to fight early leaving school to a European level, we found out that drop-out interventions often tend to focus on the school context and the students themselves, whereas parental, environmental and social actions play such an important role in this process. The previous ATOMS project pointed out that family factors were not sufficiently taken into account in accompanying dropouts. Therefore, it seemed more than relevant to the consortium of partners (Italy, Spain and Belgium) in logic of continuity, to propose the ATOMS & CO project and this, in order to develop and implement a system of school attachment focused on the inclusion of families. Through this project, we want to target families (with particular attention to families at risk of dropping out) of pupils aged from 6 to 18 years, to promote synergies between family-school-social assistance actors (assistance to youth, public services, etc.)to reduce the risk of students dropping out of school and / or improve their success
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