ENTEP: enhancing teaching practice in higher education in Russia and China

Transnational cooperation project on capacity-building in the field of higher education in Russia and China (586225-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).


Scientific coordinator: Prof. Morena Cuconato 

Project Team: Monica Perotto, Maurizio Fabbri, Marta Ilardo 

ApplicantTechnische Universitaet Dresden (DE) 

PartnersInstituto Politecnico de Coimbra (PT), Penza State University (RU), Institute of World Civilizations (RU), Federal state budget scientific institution institute of pedagogy, psychology and social problems (RU), Sanya University (CN), Jiangxi Normal University (CN), Liverpool John Moores University (UK), Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (IT), University of Hildesheim (DE). 

N.r Partners11 

Partners Countries: DE, PT, IT, UK, RU, CN 

UNIBO’s rolePartner 

Project Duration (in months): 36 

Start Date15/10/2017 

End Date: 14/10/2020 


Total Budget: 997.985 euro 

Unibo Budget: 59.915 euro 

Project’s TopicsModernisation of governance, management and functioning of higher education 

Description (1000 words max.): The wider objective of the ENTEP project is to contribute to the higher education reform in Russia and China through establishing a system of sustainable professional development in higher education on the basis of the best EU teaching practices and equipped with contemporary innovative teaching methodologies and pedagogical approaches with the emphasis on quality and regulation. Partners experienced in HE teacher training formed a consortium in order to benefit from their different experiences, profiles and specific expertise and to produce relevant and high quality outcomes. The Project is focused on building cooperation and exchange of good teaching practices among European, Russian and Chinese Universities, which will eventually result in the modernization of PCIs (Inter-University Cooperation Programme). 
