
The Department’s approach in this area is based on interdisciplinarity and intersectoral contributions. In the field of psychological sciences, research focuses on studies that address issues related to social psychology, psychology of labour and organisations, developmental and adolescent psychology, clinical psychology, inclusion and socialisation psychology, development contexts, observation in early childhood contexts, community psychology studies and approaches to the psychopathology of everyday life.


keywords: clinical psychology, pathological addictions, behavioural addictions
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Roberta Biolcati

Full Professor

keywords: Behavioural Addictions, Risk factors in adolescence, Internet addiction, Compulsive shopping, Pathological gambling,
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Marco Cadavero

PhD Student

keywords: Neurodiversity - Autism - Executive Functions - Disability
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Mario Ederoclite

PhD Student

keywords: Gender, education, masculinities, representations, caring
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Marcella Floris

PhD Student

keywords: Career Sustainability, Career guidance, Career management skills, Educational and university success, University
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Consuelo Mameli

Associate Professor

keywords: Student engagement, Student agency, Classroom justice, Student well-being, Bullying and cyberbullying
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Giacomo Mancini

Associate Professor

keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, Childhood, Preadolescents, Adolescents. Parents.
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Maria Cristina Matteucci

Associate Professor

keywords: School psychology, Developmental and educational psychology, Teachers and evaluation, School wellbeing, Causal
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Greta Mazzetti

Associate Professor

keywords: Employability, Job insecurity, Workaholism, Work engagement, Job Burnout, Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT), Soft skills,
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Giulia Paganin

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

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Laura Palareti

Associate Professor

keywords: children residential care, program evaluation, routines and rituals, chronic illness, social representations
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Stefano Passini

Full Professor

keywords: disobedience, moral exclusion, indifference, moral inclusion, responsibility, values, rights, obedience
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Paola Villano

Full Professor

keywords: social exclusion, prejudices and stereotypes, social representations of ethnic minorities, international migration,